KINS podcast

KINS is a 4-episode podcast series, featuring voices, sounds, and the surprising connections and comradeships formed during the first winter season of NAM – Not A Museum, a contemporary art platform from Manifattura Tabacchi.

Curated by Radio Papesse

Episode 1

Among the ruins of the Anthropocene

With Luca Marullo, Stefano Colombo, Eugenio Cosentino, Lorenzo Gigotti, Valerio Mannucci, Clara Ciccioni, Federica Timeto, and Miriam Tola.
With music and sound design from Threes Productions, Pablo Sanz, and Adriene Lily.

Taking inspiration from Donna Haraway’s metaphor of ‘string figures’, the first episode of KINS brings together a wide range of stories in a dense and multi-layered way, stories which all share a perspective on life in the ruins of the Anthropocene, and the ideas of ‘response-ability’ and communal evolution in the world where we live. Without losing its thread, the conversation begins in the Bronx during the 1970s, before heading to Hiroshima and the Amazon rainforest, finishing its journey in a future world of commons.

Suggested further reading and listening material:

Federica Timeto, Bestiario Haraway. Per un femminismo multispecie, Mimesis, 2020
Donna Haraway, Chthulucene, Nero, 2019
On Dj Kool Herc e il primo bloc party della storia dell’hip hop
Parasite 2.0, L’architetto neofiliaco in Kabul Magazine
Pablo Sanz, Strange Strangers on
Vinciane Despret, Phonocene’: Bird-singing in a multispecies world, digital lecture for the Riga Biennial, 2020
Riccardo Venturi, Anna Tsing e il fungo della fine del mondo, Doppiozero, 2020
Read and subscribe toa Medusa, Storie dalla fine del mondo, the newsletter from Matteo De Giuli and Nicolò Porcelluzzi!

Episode 2

Harmony and Imbalance

With Leonardo Bigazzi, Francesca Banchelli, Chiara Gambirasio and Max Mondini.
Featuring sounds from the videos In landscape mode by Marcin Liminowicz,
55 by Valentina Furian (sound design by Michele Braga),
and Gestures of Collapse by Helen Anna Flanagan;
all part of the exhibition Resisting the trouble.
Ambient sound recordings from the performance Meditation on Beauty by Marina Giovannini for Happening!
Ambient sound recordings from Louis Sarno.

The second episode of KINS marks the beginning of a journey into the undergrowth of artistic practices which challenge formal harmonies and question our place in the world and our sense of social and natural balance. From the artistic research and works of the artists participating in Harmony (the artistic residency programme curated by Sergio Risaliti), to the imbalances tackled by the artist chosen for Resisting the Trouble, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi and co-produced by Lo Schermo dell’Arte, from singularity to group dynamics, from the performances of Francesca Banchelli to the choreography of Marina Giovannini, this episode takes us to the point of vibrancy and electricity, as Banchelli puts it, where harmony is constantly activated and deactivated.

Suggested further reading and listening material:
A playlist of ambient sound recordings by Louis Sarno from the Central African Republic, curated by the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.
The video recording of The Fugitive, by Francesca Banchelli at the Museo del Novecento, Florence, 2020
The video recording of Before the name, by Francesca Banchelli at MACBA Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona, 2016
André Lepecki, Singularities. Dance in the Age of Performance, Routledge, 2016
George Didi-Huberman, La somiglianza per contatto, Bollati Boringhieri, 2009
VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images, can be found on the site
If you were unaware of where the Golf of Botnia is? IT’S HERE!
Coca Cola, in Belgio fu psicosi collettiva, an article from 1999 in the archives of AdnKronos
Droste Effect Magazine on Viandanti by Namsal Siedlicki

Episode 3

Possibility beyond form

With Ruggero Pietromarchi, Matteo De Giuli and Nicolò Porcelluzzi

The sounds in this episode are from:
I am sitting in a room by Alvin Lucier
Spoken Rifts by Threes Productions
crY by Glass (OOH-sounds)

With audio fragments from:
Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out
Il pianeta acciaio di Emilio Marsili (1962)


The third episode of KINS casts its gaze beyond the established forms in search of disciplines that intertwine with each other and overcome these known forms, which then raise questions and reassemble them, creating new entities and relationships.
In researching the sounds and words which speak to us about the age of the Anthropocene, KINS becomes an invitation to lose yourself in the sound collage of Spoken Rifts from Threes Production, before finding yourself once again in the words of Medusa and the unresolved contradictions of Supercatastrophe.

Suggested further reading and listening material:
Listen to the whole of I am sitting in a room by Alvin Lucier
The Medusa newsletter
Timothy Morton, Being Ecological (2018)
Anna Maria Ortese, L’iguana (1965)

Radio Papesse

Radio Papesse is an online audio archive devoted to contemporary art; it is a place for the documentation and the articulation of a critical discourse around the visual arts and at the same time it is a radio platform dedicated to sound art, experimental sound and radiophonic production and distribution. It has embraced radio as a medium and as a language to communicate art making today. Founded in 2006, Radio Papesse is curated by Ilaria Gadenz and Carola Haupt and since 2011 it’s hosted by Villa Romana, in Florence.

Radio Papesse