
Manifattura inaugurated NAM – Not A Museum in June 2020 with Arno – Imaginary Topography, a work by the artist Andreco, curated by Caterina Taurelli Salimbeni. In the new Chimneystack Courtyard, the site-specific installation recreates a natural environment whose floor resembles a riverbed. The work’s sinuous movement and brilliant colours are its distinctive traits and symbolise its bond to the local territory.

The work is located between the buildings and the architecture of the ex-industrial complex, and respects the setting’s colours and history. Arno – Imaginary Topography, which seems to have been created with the courtyard rather than for it, permeates this space just as the flow of a body of water would: the layers of coloured paint and the variety of brushstrokes draw a new geology within Manifattura Tabacchi.
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