Event Archivi - Manifattura Tabacchi


Fri 14 June 2024 Tue 02 July 2024

Po’Stò | European Championship on the Big Screen

Sarà possibile seguire le partite degli Europei presso Po'Stò, la bakery e gastronomia che ospiterà il maxi schermo nell'edificio B11

Visita Evento

Fri 14 June 2024 Tue 02 July 2024


Thu 16 May 2024 Thu 25 July 2024

Giovedì in Manifattura

From May 16th, Giovedì in Manifattura begins: a series of events that will bring the Factory to life with culture, music, cinema, food, and drink.

Visita Evento

Thu 16 May 2024 Thu 25 July 2024


Sat 04 May 2024 Thu 26 September 2024

Guided tours of the Caveau

Three new dates to visit the Caveau, an exhibition space created to showcase a unique heritage representing the history and legacy of the Manifattura Tabacchi. 

Visita Evento

Sat 04 May 2024 Thu 26 September 2024


Thu 07 September 2023 Sat 09 September 2023

Florence Folks Festival

The Florence Folks Festival, the "Urban Folk Festival" organized by the La Scena Muta Association, returns to Manifattura Tabacchi from September 7th to 9th, 2023.

Visita Evento

Thu 07 September 2023 Sat 09 September 2023


Sat 15 July 2023 Sun 16 July 2023

Attivisti della Danza | SHARING SCORES – Towards New Modes of Collective Writing

Il progetto SHARING SCORES si articola in laboratori, performance, residenze che si svolgeranno tra luglio 2023 e marzo 2024 in diversi spazi della città. Il primo incontro si tiene sabato 15 e domenica 16 luglio nei nuovi spazi di Manifattura Tabacchi

Visita Evento

Sat 15 July 2023 Sun 16 July 2023


Mon 19 June 2023

Summer in Manifattura | TMMT / Eric Gobetti presents his latest book

On Monday, June 19th at 6:30 p.m, Todo Modo presents the book launch of Eric Gobetti's latest book, "I carnefici del Duce" as part of the TMMT Authors and Essay Books press event.

Visita Evento

Mon 19 June 2023


Thu 15 June 2023

Summer in Manifattura | Calentamiento

The 2023 summer tour of Calentamiento, an artistic project with a performative and environmental focus, starts from Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence. On Thursday, June 15th, at 9:00 PM, the event will take place at B11.

Visita Evento

Thu 15 June 2023


Fri 05 May 2023

Lattexplus & CIAO. Discoteca Italiana

On Friday 5th May, from 10 p.m, a special night with CIAO.Discoteca Italiana for an evening that will be a journey through Italian pop music.

Visita Evento

Fri 05 May 2023


Thu 27 April 2023

Tea Hacic presents her latest book “Una sigaretta accesa al contrario”

On Thursday 27 April at 6.30 pm, Tea Hacic will present, in dialogue with FUL Magazine journalist Viola Valéry, her latest book Una sigaretta accesa al contrario published by Fandango Libri.

Visita Evento

Thu 27 April 2023


Wed 12 April 2023

The Factory | Save the Date 12.04.23

On the occasion of the opening of the Katja Novitskova exhibition, Wednesday 12 April, from 6.00 p.m, Manifattura Tabacchi invites you to visit the ateliers and shops that make up the lively community of Factory, the new creative and productive workplace in Florence.

Visita Evento

Wed 12 April 2023