many possible cities


Cultural regeneration: instructions for use

Saturday 22 February


Free Entry

The workshop looks into the reuse of buildings in Italy that have lost their original function and which now host different functions in the same spaces and rethink about these places as international, open and hybrid, through the common denominator of culture. The workshop highlights the different approaches to the challenges, and often the contradictions, these entities have to overcome.

Curated by BASE Milano (Angelica Villa e Giulia Capodieci)

Introduce Tommaso Sacchi, Assessore alla Cultura, Moda e Design del Comune di Firenze

With Michelangelo Giombini (Manifattura Tabacchi, Firenze), Linda Di Pietro (Indisciplinarte, Terni), Anna Romani (Kilowatt, Bologna), Andrea Capaldi (Mare Culturale Urbano, Milano), Salvatore Marmolaro (The Student Hotel, Firenze), Luca Cantelli (Mercato Sonato, Bologna), Alessandra Stanghini (CasermArcheologica, Sansepolcro), Andrea Rapisardi (Impact Hub, Firenze)

The workshop is part of Many Possible Cities festival.

many possible cities