Lucia - la radio al cinema
December 12th-14th
Free Entry
B9 – Manifattura Tabacchi
via delle Cascine 33, Florence
Lucia La radio al cinema (Radio at the movies) is a three-day international festival dedicated to the craft of audio storytelling in radio and podcasting.
At Manifattura Tabacchi from December 12th-14th, Lucia will celebrate the art of non visual storytelling and the value of listening together.
the full program
What? Some of the most extraordinary examples in recent audio production, radio and podcasts from around the world, collective stories and intimate tales, documentary and fiction, tradition and experimentation. How will we listen to them? Accompanied by subtitles, in Italian and English. All of them, although they might come from diverse traditions, are produced by authors with the ability to tell a tale properly, to share experiences and to give us back the desire to listen to a story.
LUCIA is not only radio at the movies but also lectures, performances, podcasts live, workshops for aspiring and professional podcasters, and labs for kids.

Lucia is curated by Radio Papesse with the support of Regione Toscana, Comune di Firenze, Fondazione CR Firenze, European Cultural Foundation, Kingdom of Netherlands, Flanders State of the Art, Manifattura Tabacchi, Spreaker. In collaboration with AIRmedia, Institut français Firenze, SACI: Studio Arts College International Florence, The Student Hotel, Villa Romana, Ocarina Music Player, K-array, Skeldon, Mòno, Canificio.
Partners: Radio3 Rai, Radio Techete’, Radio Atlas, Third Coast International Audio Festival, Audiodoc, Constellation Audio, Black History Month Firenze.