Unheimlich | Ulrich Egger

curated by Pietro Gaglianò and Antonello Tolve


Opening | Friday, May 24th at 7.00 p.m
Exhibition Space | B9


The exhibition is open until June 30th, from Wednesday to Sunday, 3.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m and on Thursday from 3.00 p.m to 10.00 p.m.
On Thursdays, guided tours of the exhibition will be available with cultural mediators.


The exhibition follows a line dominating the entire research of Ulrich Egger: the feeling of alarm or estrangement that is inherent in contemporary architecture (hence the title, a term taken from Freudian theory to describe the dark side of familiar environments and situations).

The artworks allude to a hidden secret, a sinister, disturbing potential that reveals the constructs of power under-lying the practice of building and living.

The post-industrial environment of Manifattura Tabacchi welcomes the work of Egger who, at first glance, indulges its visual specificity, sometimes in an almost mimetic way, then referring to a close encounter with the materials, the structures, the narrative that contains them.