green Archivi - Manifattura Tabacchi


Grand Tour by bicycle – San Jacopino

The Grand Tour by bike tells the now forgotten story of Florence's neighborhoods in an interactive and fun way: community, resistance and everyday life.

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Grand Tour by bicycle

The stages form an itinerary for the discovery of incredible anecdotes, hidden away under the façade of a building we see every day.

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Fabbrica dell’Aria

The "Fabbrica dell'Aria" (Air Factory) is the first prototype of an innovative solution to reduce indoor pollution, made for Tobacco Manufacture.

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Che cavolo cucino? Intervista al cuoco-agricoltore Simone Moschini

Abbiamo intervistato Simone Moschini in occasione di Che Cavolo Cucino, il laboratorio di cucina del Green Lab Made in Manifattura.

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