La meraviglia - Manifattura Tabacchi

La meraviglia

The second Art residence of Manifattura Tabacchi

curated by Sergio Risaliti

The theme of the second edition of the three-year art residencie project manifatturanaturacultura 2018-2020 il La meraviglia (‘wonder).

Wonder is perhaps the first emotion that aroused man from unconsciousness to enjoy the spectacle of nature, marvelling at their own thoughts and ability to create things. The feeling and the thing met with extraordinary and irreversible changes. Intelligence and fantasy. ‘Wonder’ is the term that will form the frame and the starting point for these artistic efforts, adapting to the wider project at Manifattura Tabacchi, where knowledge is essentially linked to knowing how to go against the repetition of models and stereotypes. Six young artist from diverse cultures and backgrounds will give life to this experience of a new renaissance. Because art is always the production of wonderous things.

Sergio Risaliti


Art Residencies 2019-2020

The artists will be accompanied along the course of their research by Sergio Risaliti and Paolo Parisi, artist and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, in his role of tutor for the resident artists.

As in the previous edition, the six artists will be given their own atelier at Manifattura Tabacchi, and will have the opportunity to meet artists, curators, and critics, as well as taking part in workshops.

Amongst the invited guests are Rä di Martino, Elena Mazzi, Pantani-Surace, Stefania Galegati, Goldschmied & Chiari and Robert Pettena, who will run a workshop dedicated to the eclectic mapping of the artistic and manufacturing heritage of the city and the metropolitan area.

The young resident artists will also meet Domenico Bianchi, Alberto Garutti and Giacinto di Pietrantonio.

The residencies conclude with an exhibition in the spaces of B8 of individual works conceived and created by the artists, and collectively produced works that come from the various workshops. B8 is a building which will host initiatives tied to contemporary art, as part of the plan for the regeneration of Manifattura Tabacchi, and which hosted the first edition of the residencies, which concluded in March with La cura exhibition.

Taking part in this edition, with works ranging from photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, installations and video, will be 6 young artists from all over the world.

Artists in Residence

Bekhbaatar Enkhtur (Mongolia)

Negar Sh (Iran)

Esma Ilter (Turkey)

Giulia Poppi (Italy)

Anna Dormio (Italy)

Davide D’Amelio (Italy)

The tutor

Teachers at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, Paolo Parisi will follow the creative research of the young artists in the role of tutor, organising the work alongside a series of educational activities.

The curator

Sergio Risaliti, art historian and artistic director of Museo Novecento of Florence, is the curator of the three-year project of the artistic residences of the Manifattura Tabacchi.